What some judges are calling a get out of jail free” card for big business….

Today we continue a series of blog posts that center around a critical topic for each and every one of us. This topic is arbitration clauses and the impact they are having on both consumers and employees.

As we discussed in our last blog post, the arbitration clause is something that companies are including in their customer agreements which takes away that customer’s right to join a class-action lawsuit.  This right they are taking away is the customer’s most powerful tool in fighting against unfair or illegal business practices.

Furthermore, these same clauses are often being included by businesses in their employee contracts.  As a result, victims of wage and hour violations or workforce discrimination are essentially left powerless when attempting to seek justice.

In our most recent blog post, we shared a video that told the story of how a family was impacted when buying a car under an agreement with an arbitration clause.  Today, we would like to recommend an outstanding two-part article from the NY Times that does a great job presenting this subject and just how critical it is to all of us.




Mintz & Geftic is here to help ensure your rights are not being violated.  If you have concerns about a contract that you’re being asked to sign or one that you may have already signed, please contact us today to discuss.    

Mintz & Geftic, WE WILL FIGHT FOR YOU!