Why does Santa need a lawyer?

Many of you might have caught our recent blog post about the most dangerous jobs in the US.  While the jobs cited in that post certainly qualified as dangerous, there was one obvious oversight.

That oversight was Santa Claus and the many risk-filled tasks which his profession entails. Let’s consider the full scope of the big guy’s work and point out just a few examples of why he needs to have an attorney on retainer ASAP.

1. Accident Attorney – We all know that our favorite reindeer Rudolph has bailed Santa out on several foggy Christmas Eves with his impressive red nose. However, when traveling under such dangerous flying conditions while also in such a rush, the law of averages says our jolly old friend is due for a fender-bender one of these years. Let’s also not forget the amount of cargo he has to carry as toys for every single boy and girl equals serious tonnage.

2. Personal Injury Attorney – A large man with a chubby physique going down a chimney wearing a flammable suit while carrying a big bag of toys. Enough said.

3. Workers’ Compensation Attorney – This one applies more to the elves working their tiny butts off in Santa’s factory. With around the clock labor in the workshop, those little laborers are bound to encounter work-related injuries.

4. Wage and Hour Violations Attorney – When the holiday season approaches and production is lagging, wage and hour violations might come into play as the demand for labor drastically increases.

5. Slip and Fall Attorney – This one didn’t come to mind initially, but then we came across the video footage of Santa below.


Rest assured Santa was not hurt at all in the filming of this video; he is fully healthy and ready to go for Christmas Eve. In the meantime, we’ll try to track down a good North Pole law firm for him just in case.

New Jersey and New York Slip and Fall Attorneys

We give personal attention to all of our clients. If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of a slip and fall, call us today at 908-352-2323 or send us email by clicking here to evaluate your case.

Our slip and fall attorneys serve clients throughout New Jersey and New York, including the cities of Newark, Elizabeth, Jersey City, Hackensack, and Morris, Bergen, Hudson, Union and Middlesex counties. We have offices in Elizabeth, New Jersey and New York City.