Big Business is Taking Away Your Rights. Now Here’s What You Can Do…
In our recent series of blog posts, we have discussed how corporations are taking away the rights of both their consumers and employees through arbitration...
What some judges are calling a get out of jail free†card for big business….
the arbitration clause is something that companies are including in their customer agreements which takes away that customer's right to join a class-action lawsuit. ...
WARNING: Look Out for the Fine Print
Buried among the pages of fine print is one all-important word that is leading people to completely waive a constitutional right. ...
Ascertain This!
Just last month, New Jersey’s Appellate Division, in Daniels v. Hollister Co., held that ascertainability†should not be considered as a factor by New Jersey...
Why Culture Matters in Contract Law
Oftentimes in the law, we take a very narrow view of the role an individual’s cultural background plays in a litigated legal matter. In most...
Patients Beware – Surgeon Might Refuse Your Insurance Even if Hospital Accepts It
In the recent case of Pagnani-Braga-Kimmel Urologic Assoc., P.A. v. Chappell, Atlantic County Superior Court Judge Joseph E. Kane was presented with an interesting issue:...